September 26, 2019

At the Cannabis Analytical Science Program (CASP) meeting on Sept 7, 2019, about 200 scientists from around the country came to Denver, Colorado to discuss standards for cannabis methods.

The attendees reviewed and approved three Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs):

  • SMPR 2019.001 Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) for Detection of Aspergillus in Cannabis and Cannabis Products

  • SMPR 2019.002 Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) for Identification and Quantitation of Selected Residual Solvents in Cannabis-Derived Material

  • SMPR 2019.003  Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) for Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Plant Materials of Hemp (Low THC Varieties Cannabis sp.)

The USDA Domestic Hemp Production Program specifies use of SMPR 2018.003, Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) for Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Plant Materials of Hemp, in its testing guidelines for laboratories.

The working groups also presented a series of recommendations for future education and training courses; an overview of the CASP program; best practices for microbiology cannabis methods; on-site verification; statistical issues; sampling issues; and presentation of data with regards to measurement uncertainty.  Program Lead Scott Coates outlined a proposed plan of work for 2020.