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Q: To participate in the AOAC Virtual Annual Meeting, do I visit the AOAC website?
A: No. AOAC has a virtual platform for all the meeting content. See below to learn how to access it.
Q: How do I get to the virtual meeting platform if I registered prior to Aug. 23?
A: You should have received an email from AOAC with a link to the virtual platform on the 23rd. Click on that link, then enter the email address you used to register for the Annual Meeting. Didn’t get an email? Please contact AOAC Customer Service at [email protected].
Q: How do I get to the virtual meeting platform if I registered after Aug. 23?
A: You will receive an email from AOAC with a link to the virtual platform, but you may need to wait until the next day to access the platform. After Aug. 23, 7:15am Eastern Time is our daily cut-off to upload new registrant login information to the virtual platform. For example: You register at 7:10am on Wednesday, Aug. 25 — you will receive access to the virtual platform by approximately 8:00am that same day. But, if you register at 7:30am on Wednesday, Aug. 25, you will not receive access to the virtual platform until approximately 8:00am on Thursday, Aug. 26.
Q: How do I get to the virtual meeting platform if I haven’t registered for the Annual Meeting?
A: That was a trick question – you can’t! But you can if you register. Click here to register.
Q: Is there a registration deadline?
A: The virtual content will be available until Thursday, September 30. Therefore, the deadline to register is also September 30.
Q: I’m registered to attend the Annual Meeting in person in Boston. Am I able to change my registration to a virtual attendee?
A: Yes. Please contact AOAC Customer Service at [email protected] and they can make that change for you.
Q: How can I locate a schedule of the Annual Meeting?
A: Click here to view the Annual Meeting Schedule at a Glance.
Q: As a virtual attendee, can I attend all the meetings/events listed on the Schedule at a Glance?
A: Not quite…but many of them. Check out the “Participation Details” column on the Schedule at a Glance. If you see “Live Streamed”, “Zoom Link”, “Pre-recorded”, or “Available on the virtual platform”, these are the meetings for you!
Q: What if my new puppy keeps me up most of the night, I oversleep, and I miss a live streamed session or Zoom session?
A: Snuggle up with your puppy and don’t worry – many of the live events will be available on demand two business days after the live presentation. For example: You can watch ASF Part 1 live on Friday, Aug. 27 at 9:00am Eastern Time on the virtual platform within the Live Events tab. But if you miss it, AOAC will post it within the Recorded Sessions tab by 10:00am on Wednesday, Sept. 1 and you can watch it on demand. To view which live events will be available on demand, look in the “Participation Details” column of the Schedule at a Glance.
Q: I’m excited to go to the Annual Meeting in Boston, but do I also have access to the virtual platform?
A: Absolutely! All virtual content is available to you on the platform. You should have received an email from AOAC with a link to the virtual platform on August 23. Click on that link, then enter the email address you used to register for the Annual Meeting. Didn’t get an email? Please contact AOAC Customer Service at [email protected]. While in Boston, use the virtual platform to view session abstracts, speaker abstracts, and poster presentation abstracts. If you missed anything while in Boston, if a session was “Pre-recorded only”, or if you want to see all the poster presentations (including the ones that were not in Boston), you can view that content on the virtual platform.
Q: How long will the content be on the virtual platform?
A: Thursday, September 30, 2021
Q: I’m interested in attending live-streamed sessions and Zoom sessions. What time zone are they in?
A: All events are listed on the Schedule at a Glance and on the virtual platform in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC/GMT-04:00).
Q: How can I ask a question to one of the presenters?
A: That depends on what you are watching.
If it is a live-streamed session, you can type your question in the Q&A tab located next to the video screen. An AOAC staff member in Boston will see your question and let the presenter or chair know there is a question.
If it is a Zoom session (and you will know when you are in a Zoom session), simply type your question into the chat box. An AOAC staff member in Boston will see your question and let the presenter or chair know there is a question.
If it is a recorded session, the chair of each session was asked to create a PowerPoint slide containing the session participants’ contact information and display it at the beginning of the session. Please use that information to contact a presenter via email. If contact information was not given, please contact Lauren Chelf at [email protected] and she can provide you with the information.
Q: Can I chat with a poster presenter?
A: Yes. We have instructed poster presenters to check their chat box often. If you ask a question of a poster presenter via chat, remember to check back to see the answer.