AOAC consensus standards development programs are respected worldwide for their rigorous approach based on the collaborative efforts of experts from government, industry, and academia. Working groups support AOAC’s programs by developing standards and methods.

Active Working Groups

All levels of experience are welcome.

AOAC Program/ProjectWorking Group
AOAC INTERNATIONAL Microbiological Standards Program (AIMS)Legionella
AOAC INTERNATIONAL Microbiological Standards Program (AIMS)Micro Methods Validation Guidance Revision
Botanical Ingredients and Dietary Supplement Integrity program (BIDSI)Botanical Identity Verification
Cannabis Analytical Science Program (CASP)Pesticide Think Tank
Dairy Protein HydrolysatesDPH Characterization
Illicit Drug Detection in Powders and Tablets (Collaboration with NIST)Illicit Drug Testing Working Group
Gluten & Food Allergens (GFA)GFA End User Guidance
Novel FoodsAmino acids
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)PFAS in Food Contact Materials (FCMs)
Stakeholder Program on Agent Detection Assays (SPADA)Metagenomics
Trace ElementsTrace Elements

Active Expert Review Panels

Qualifications for ERP Membership Candidate must meet one of the following:

  • Demonstrated knowledge in the appropriate scientific disciplines.
  • Demonstrated knowledge regarding data relevant to adequate method performance.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of practical application of analytical methods to bona fide diagnostic requirements.

All levels of experience are welcome.

MatrixExperience LevelApplicationDeadline
Chlorate and Perchlorate in a Broad Group of MatricesExpertise related or specific to the analysis of chlorate and perchlorate method validation.Application1/8/25

Volunteer Experts

AOAC Volunteer Experts are vetted and appointed through the Official Methods Board and serve as appointed volunteers in AOAC. Volunteer Experts work in the AOAC Research Institute, reviewing and approving validation protocols, and peer reviewing Performance Tested MethodsSM manuscripts. Training and orientation are required. Volunteer Experts are eligible to serve on relevant AOAC Expert Review Panels (ERPs). To express interest as a Volunteer Expert, contact [email protected].