May 8, 2021
During the latest Analytical Methods Week, April 26-May 4, 2021, there were a number of different approvals from Expert Review Panels (ERPs) and Working Groups (WG).
- ERP for Gluten Assays:
- Matrix Extension approved for AOAC 2012.01 (submitted by R-Biopharm)
- A follow up meeting is being scheduled to discuss the rest of the agenda
- ERP for Microbiology Methods for Food and Environmental Surfaces:
- ThermoFisher SureTect Salmonella Species PCR Assay adopted as a First Action method (a PTM-OMA, submitted by ThermoFisher)
- AOAC 2018.01 – 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2: Cronobacter recommended for promotion to Final Action status
- AOAC 2018.13 – 3M Petrifilm Rapid/Coliform Count Plate recommended for promotion to Final Action status
- Food Authenticity Methods (FAM) WG on Non-Targeted Testing:
- Completed and reached consensus on two (2) draft Standard Method Performance Requirements® (SMPR®) for Spices and Botanicals and will be posted for public comment
- Draft SMPR® for Non-Targeted Testing for the Adulteration of Turmeric
- Draft SMPR® for Non-Targeted Testing for the Adulteration of Saffron
- ERP for Cannabis Analytical Science Program (CASP) Cannabinoid Methods:
- Quantitating Cannabinoids in Edible Chocolates (LC – photodiode array detection) adopted as a First Action method (resubmitted by Supra R&D)
- Quantification of Cannabinoids in Edible Chocolate (HPLC) adopted as a First Action method (resubmitted by Canopy Growth Corporation)
- ERP for Stakeholder Panel on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN) Nutrient Methods:
- AOAC 2018.06 – Total Amino Acids in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals recommended for promotion to Final Action status
- Schedule a follow up discussion on AOAC OMA Appendix L proposed revisions.
- Special session of the ERP will be meeting in conjunction with the AOAC China Section Meeting on May 27, 2021
- ERP for Low Lactose Methods:
- AOAC 2020.08 – Megazyme Lactose Assay Test Kit (K-LOLAC) recommended for promotion to Final Action status.