May 28, 2019 – As a global leader in food and agriculture safety standards and analytical methods, AOAC INTERNATIONAL is answering the call of regulators and private sector laboratories to convene experts and approve consensus methods for the analysis of cannabis and hemp in food, feed, plant materials, or other substances of interest to determine the best available science to promote public health.
AOAC is launching a new program, the Cannabis Analytical Science Program (CASP), in conjunction with the AOAC Midyear Meeting in March 2019, at which time initial CASP priorities will be identified.
AOAC will facilitate a forum where the science of cannabis analysis can be discussed and for the development and maintenance of cannabis standards and methods. The CASP analytical community will comprise government, academic, and contract laboratories; technology providers; private sector organizations; and allied associations.
Join AOAC to provide solutions for regulators, industry, and consumers by developing globally accepted consensus-based standards and testing methods for hemp, cannabis, and cannabis-related ingredients/products.