June 13, 2024

The Midwest Section of AOAC INTERNATIONAL had another successful meeting from June 3 to 5, 2024, in Chicago. The leaders would like to thank all the sponsors, vendors, and presenters that made this possible.

The Midwest Section will continue to build upon its success with the addition of the following states Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia, and Canadian Provinces Manitoba and Saskatchewan!

The Board of Directors is currently looking for nominees for the following items:

  • Representatives from each of the new states or provinces to serve on the Midwest Board of Directors to represent their respective state or province.
  • President and Annual Meeting Host from the states of Michigan, Ohio, or Indiana for 2025 and 2026

The strength of the Midwest Section is built upon the collaboration of the companies, governmental organizations, and academic institutions that reside in this region and will continue to thrive with your participation and support.

Please submit your nominations.

Photo by panaramka – stock.adobe.com