Rockville, Maryland, April 21, 2023 — AOAC INTERNATIONAL Executive Director David B. Schmidt announced today that Pam Coleman has been named Chief Innovation Officer, a new position at AOAC. Coleman was an active member of AOAC for 25 years during her distinguished career of executive leadership in laboratory science services.
Coleman is an experienced, successful, and dynamic executive with a strong track record in the testing, inspection, certification industry spanning both routine food safety/quality program management as well as project-oriented businesses in support of food product innovation. Her strengths include scientific fluency, operational metrics, pioneering new strategic roles, hiring and coalescing teams, and driving financial improvement. Coleman, who will join the staff on April 24, has been employed for the last 28 years by Mérieux NutriSciences (formerly Silliker, Inc), filling numerous increasingly responsible roles including leading first a single laboratory, then a multi-laboratory region, and directing sales and marketing teams. She established the Global Key Accounts program, before being named the Vice President of Research Services and the Managing Director of Biofortis, Inc. Throughout her career, she has excelled at building strong relationships with clients and worked to expand the value provided by starting new services as well as mergers and acquisitions.
Coleman was also recognized for her nonprofit leadership at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), where she served on the board of directors and in the Office of the President from 2018 to 2021. Schmidt said of the appointment, “We are so excited to welcome Pam back into the fold at AOAC in this new and integral role for the future of our organization. This position is designed to inspire innovation at AOAC INTERNATIONAL that increases revenue and optimizes organizational effectiveness.”
“I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to join the staff of AOAC INTERNATIONAL in this newly developed role, and look forward to making a positive impact to the organization, adding to the credibility of analytical results that are so important to our stakeholders,” said Coleman.
Coleman holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Greenville University, with graduate studies in chemistry, and completed a MBA from Georgia State University.
AOAC INTERNATIONAL is a globally recognized, 501(c)(3), independent, third party, not-for-profit association and voluntary consensus standards developing organization founded in 1884. When analytical needs arise within a community or industry, AOAC INTERNATIONAL is the forum for finding appropriate science-based solutions through the development of microbiological and chemical standards. The AOAC Official Methods of AnalysisSM database is used by food scientists around the world to facilitate public health and safety and to promote trade. For more information, please visit
Contact: Margaret Bell, Communications Manager
Phone: (240) 801-8646
Email: [email protected]