Choose AOAC Proficiency Testing Programs for a turn-key experience. Measure your laboratory’s analytical processes with no spiking or mixing required. Our program samples are just like your routine or compliance samples, ready to be tested upon arrival. Join the proficiency testing program that state reference labs, federal regulatory labs, and quality industry labs use to demonstrate analytical proficiency.
Accredited-Cannabis and Hemp Dried Flower PT AOAC Proficiency Testing Programs offered in both Cannabis and Hemp dried flower/biomass matrices. These programs provide ready-to-analyze samples in an actual Hemp or Cannabis Matrix with no spiking required by the participating laboratory. Samples are for the analyses of cannabinoids, terpenes, moisture, water activity, heavy metals, pesticides*, and mycotoxins*. Do not miss out on the next live round being shipped on Monday, September 23, 2024. PT programs and Quality Assurance & Educational Samples (QAES) available in dried flower/biomass, oils, microbial contaminants, with edibles to be available soon.
AOAC Cannabis/Hemp PT Enrollment Form
Purchase Quality Assurance & Educational Samples (QAES)
*pesticides and mycotoxins are accredited for hemp but still in the process for cannabis matrix.
Photo by naruecha –