This blog will be updated morning and afternoon with results from the meetings throughout Analytical Methods Week. NOTE: the most recent updates are posted at the top of the page.
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AOAC ERP for Low Lactose Methods
ERP Chair: Sean Austin, Société des Produits Nestlé
Staff Contact: Christopher Dent at [email protected]
The ERP members reviewed three methods. Two had already been approved, but with additional modifications prior to publication.
The first, submitted by Sandra Salleres of Biolan Microsensores, was “Validation of the BIOMILK 300 LAC in Low Lactose Containing Milk and Milk Products.”
The second, submitted by Ruth Ivory of Megazyme, was “Single Laboratory Validation of Megazyme’s Lactose Assay Kit (K-LOLAC) for the Determination of lactose concentrations in low-lactose and lactose-free milk, milk products, and products containing dairy ingredients.
For both of these methods, the ERP confirmed that requested modifications had been made, and the methods can now move to publication.
The third, submitted by Larry Tucker of Metrohm USA, was “Determination of Lactose in Low-Lactose or Lactose Free Milk, Milk Products, and Products Containing Dairy Ingredients.” Using AOAC SMPR 2018.009, the ERP reviewed candidate methods resubmitted based on the ERP’s previous recommendations. The ERP requested the authors re-submit after implementing specific modifications.
AOAC ERP for Microbiology Methods for Food and Environmental Surfaces
ERP Co-Chairs: Michael Brodsky, Brodsky Consultants & Wendy McMahon, Mérieux NutriSciences
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]
The ERP members reviewed a method submitted by Miles Murphy of BrukerMethod, “Validation Test Report: Analytical Performance Evaluation – Equivalence” which is a modification proposal for AOAC 2017.09/AOAC 2017.10.
The ERP also reviewed a method submitted by Andrew Lineau of BioControl, that modify AOAC 989.13, AOAC 996.10, AOAC 996.14.
The ERP reviewed the proposed modifications and discussed recommendations for methods ready to be considered for Final Action status (AOAC 2018.01, AOAC 2018.02, AOAC 2018.05 and AOAC 2018.13).
Additionally, they reviewed draft technical bulletin on sample size and dilution ratios, as well as discussed use of the term “total viable count” or “total plate count”.
AOAC CASP Working Group on Cannabinoids in Consumables
AOAC contact: Christopher Dent
This working group in its third meeting continued drafting the Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs) for cannabinoids in beverages.
AOAC ERP for SPIFAN Nutrient Methods
ERP Chair: Darryl Sullivan, Eurofins Scientific
The ERP members reviewed a multi-Laboratory manuscript submitted by Christophe Fuerer of Société des Produits Nestlé, “Total Amino Acids by UHPLC-UV in Infant Formulas and Adult Nutritionals (AOAC First Action 2018.06) – Multi-Laboratory Trial”
The ERP made an initial recommendation for the method for Final Action status. The group noted some items for revising and clarifying the method manuscript. The ERP will do a final review to confirm their recommendation when the revised manuscript is submitted.
AOAC ERP for Sulfites in Seafood Methods
ERP Chair: Cheryl Lassitter, NOAA
The ERP members reviewed a method submitted by Sandra Salleres of Biolan Microbiosensores, “Stability Study of BIOFISH 300 SUL Reagents, Solutions, and Biotest.”
This was a follow up on the ERP review of the candidate method for sulfites in shrimp based on previous review of and recommendations for the method. A few final revisions to the manuscript were requested, but the motion to approve the method for First Action Official Method status was drafted and will be distributed to the entire ERP.
As a quorum was not reached, an electronic vote will be undertaken following Analytical Methods Week.
AOAC ERP for CASP Chemical Contaminant Methods
ERP Chair: Andrew Pham, Alkemist Labs
This ERP reviewed a method authored by Jenny Nelson of Agilent Technologies, “Determination of Heavy Metals in a Variety of Cannabis and Cannabis – Derived Products.”
The method was submitted for consideration by the ERP for adoption and publication as First Action Official Method status. The method was reviewed using AOAC SMPR 2020.001.
The ERP had a quorum and passed two motions, one to delay the decision on the method and a second to accept eight specific requirements for re-submission of the method, such as including safety data on working with acids and metal standards and addressing reviewers’ comments.
AOAC Committee on Statistics Meeting
Committee Chair: Sidney Sudberg, Alkemist Labs
This was the monthly meeting of the Committee on Statistics.
AOAC Thought Leader Meeting – Gluten & Food Allergens, Day 2
AOAC contact: Alicia Meiklejohn
This meeting was the second part of the discussion based on the proposal for a new AOAC initiative, Gluten and Food Allergens Program.
Between 50 and 60 participants, representing organizations ranging from international food companies to government agencies and gluten advocacy groups, joined the online meeting.
The meeting kicked off with a recap from Day 1 of the Thought Leader Meeting, which was followed by presentations on celiac disease. The following Q&A highlighted the complexities of analyzing gluten in its various forms, as well as the need for regulatory and scientific harmonization between Europe and the U.S. AOAC presented an overview of previous work including a Gluten Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR).
The group discussed next steps as it was clear that there is considerable interest in moving this new AOAC initiative forward.
AOAC ERP for Gluten Assays
Chair: Terry Koerner
AOAC Contact: Saliha Argubie
The ERP considered AOAC 2018.15 and any methods for Final Action or continuance of First Action status using AOAC SMPR 2017.021. The ERP also discussed various validation expectations leading to draft technical bulletin(s) that will serve as initial guidance for AOAC gluten method validation.
AOAC SPIFAN Working Group on Chlorates & Perchlorates
Working Group Co-Chairs: Katerina Mastovska, Eurofins and Melissa Philips, US NIST
AOAC Contact: Delia Boyd
The working group in its third meeting continued drafting the standard method performance requirements for chlorates and perchlorates.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for Dietary Starch & Fiber Methods
Chair: Lars Reimann, Eurofins
AOAC Contact: Saliha Argubie
The ERP discussed options for dietary fiber methods. A proposal has been submitted for the ERP’s guidance and consideration to modify AOAC 2017.16 (Total Dietary Fiber in Food and Food Ingredients – Final Action).
For AOAC 2020.07 (Available Carbohydrates- recently adopted First Action), AOAC received a Consulting Service application for the development of an interlaboratory study protocol. The method will be subjected to multi-laboratory validation, coordinated by AOAC Technical Consultant Sharon Brunelle. Ideas on this study were discussed with the ERP.
The ERP also discussed development of a new method for measuring digestible and resistant starch from a proposal shared by Megazyme.
AOAC Analytical Solutions Forum Working Group on Glyphosates
AOAC contact: Christopher Dent
The working group continued drafting the Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs) for glyphosate compounds in a number of food commodities. The group decided not to do a separate SMPR for trimesium, and changed the applicability statement of the draft SMPR to reflect that.
AOAC Orientation: Expert Review Panels – New Methods through Final Action Official Method of AnalysisSM Status
Presented by Deborah McKenzie, AOAC Senior Director of Standards
AOAC presented an orientation covering the Expert Review Panel role and process including adoption of methods, tracking of First Action Official Methods of Analysis and requirements for changing the action status of Official Methods of Analysis.
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