AOAC INTERNATIONAL formed the International Stakeholder Panel on Alternative Methods (ISPAM) in 2011 to develop harmonized, internationally accepted standard validation guidelines for alternative (rapid) chemical and microbiological methods; and, to achieve optimal efficiency and avoid duplication of efforts for the validation of proprietary methods. ISPAM consisted of over 200 stakeholders and 6 working groups to focus on specific topics such as microbiological and chemistry validation criteria, fresh produce, allergens, and statistics.
The strategic plan adopted in 2018, transitioned AOAC operationally from the traditional stakeholder panel model towards one of self-sustaining projects and programs. This transition involved the sunsetting of ISPAM. However, to ensure continuity, maintain a comprehensive scientific portfolio and enhance horizon scanning efforts, AOAC INTERNATIONAL developed the Analytical International Methods and Standards Program, AIMS. The objective of this new program is to address emerging issues and opportunities in food microbiology among the international stakeholder community in:
To launch this program, AOAC INTERNATIONAL will host a two-hour session to present its vison for AIMS and present 4 emerging areas of analytical interest.
Palmer Orlandi
AOAC Chief Science Officer and Deputy Executive Director
TOPIC 1: A Regulator’s Perspective on Reference Methods, Alternative Methods, and Validation Criteria
Thomas Hammack
Division of Microbiology, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA
TOPIC 2: An Industry Perspective on Hepatitis A Virus Contamination in Foods
Sanjay Gummalla
Vice President Regulatory and Technical Affairs, American Frozen Food Institute
TOPIC 3: Challenges in Hepatitis A Virus Detection for a Laboratory Perspective
Daniel Barket
Q Laboratories
TOPIC 4: Continuing Challenges in Cyclospora Detection in Foods
Ynes Ortega
Center for Food Safety, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia
TOPIC 5: A Private Laboratory Perspective on the Analytical Gaps that Must be Overcome to Meet Needs
Sam Myoda
CEO Produce and Environmental Division, IEH Laboratories and Consulting Service
TOPIC 6: The Future of Genomic Applications for Detection and Identification of Microbial Contaminants
Errol Strain
Center for Veterinary Medicine,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration