Display Board Size
Display boards are 4 feet (1.2 meters) vertically by 8 feet (2.4 meters) horizontally and are supported by legs extending to the floor. Display materials may be affixed to the boards with push pins or velcro (provided on-site at the meeting.) Posters may not exceed the maximum dimensions of the board.
- Posters should stimulate discussion, but not require a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics and make sure every item is necessary.
- Include the title of your presentation. AOAC INTERNATIONAL will not post the abstract titles on display boards.
- Prepare as many individual poster display pieces as required (four to eight is standard) to outline your work clearly and concisely. For collaborative studies, you may choose to include the purpose of the study, the experimental design, results, conclusions and recommendations. Space your information proportionally.
- Use large and legible lettering that is easily readable from a distance of 3 feet or more. Text material should be printed from a laser printer with a font size large enough to read from a distance. Simple use of color can be used to add emphasis if needed.
- Photographs, illustrations and graphics are encouraged, and should be at least 9”x12” to ensure visibility.
- Optional Materials: If you wish, you may prepare handouts for distribution to interested scientists. Some authors may also wish to provide business cards/contact information for the daylong display times.
- For additional assistance in preparing your poster, there are a number of excellent resources available online. Online printing options are also available if needed. For more information, type “poster preparation guidelines” into your search engine.
Poster Numbers
Each poster will be assigned a numbered display board. Poster numbers for submitted abstracts will be assigned by August 5, 2019.
JAOAC Poster Publication
Poster Presenters are encouraged to submit full Journal papers, along with their posters, for consideration of publication in the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. These submissions will undergo Journal peer review, and if accepted, the papers will be published in the online Journal and in print. For more information, please contact Jennifer Diatz, [email protected], at the AOAC Publications Department. Submissions for the Journal must accompany the poster presentations.
Transporting Poster Materials
Please hand-carry your poster materials to the meeting. Do not mail your poster to the meeting site or to AOAC INTERNATIONAL. The author is responsible for all poster materials.
Display Hours and Expectations
- Poster authors may set up their displays between 7:30 AM – 9:45 AM on the day on which the poster is scheduled.
- Please remove your display promptly at the conclusion of the poster session and return push pins and other materials to their original locations.
- Tear down must be completed by 6:00 PM. Posters left up after the tear-down period will be removed by AOAC staff. AOAC is not responsible for lost or damaged posters.
- AOAC staff members will be available during the setup period to provide authors with the materials needed to mount posters and materials. Poster supplies, including pushpins, Velcro and envelopes for handouts and business cards will be provided.
- The presenting poster author, or a designated representative approved of in advance by the AOAC Meetings department, is expected to be present during the time designated for Author Presentations on the day(s) of their poster session(s). See the Poster Presentation Schedule for specific times.
- Failure to be present during the Author Presentation time period will be regarded as not showing up for the meeting and will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts submitted to AOAC.
Official Meeting Language
The official language at the AOAC Annual Meeting is English.
Abstract Withdrawal
Abstract withdrawal requests must be submitted no later than July 16, 2019 to avoid publication.
Questions or Assistance?
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +1 301-924-7077 ext 114