Poster Authors will have the opportunity to submit a PDF file or a MP4 file that will be linked to your abstract within the Virtual Poster Hall. All poster authors will receive an email from AOAC’s virtual platform provider giving you details on how to upload your file. The email will not be coming from AOAC. It will be coming from [email protected]. To avoid this email going to a “Junk” or “Spam” folder, please whitelist anything from You will receive this email by Monday, August 24. The deadline to upload your poster is 5:00pm EDT, Tuesday, September 8, 2020. If submitting a PowerPoint presentation with slides only, you must convert it to a PDF file. If submitting a PowerPoint presentation with slides and audio, you must export the recorded PowerPoint presentation as an .mp4. For help on how to record a slide show with narration and slide timings, please visit the Microsoft help page, “Record a slide show with narration and slide timings.”
AOAC reserves the right to all video or audio recordings of presentations at the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting.
Poster presenters are encouraged to submit full papers, along with their Posters, for consideration of publication in the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. These submissions will undergo J. AOAC Int. peer review, and, if accepted, the papers will be published in J. AOAC Int. online and in print. For more information, contact Jennifer Diatz, [email protected], in the AOAC Publications Department. Submissions for J. AOAC Int. must accompany the Poster Presentations.
The official language of the AOAC Annual Meeting is English.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +1-301-924-7077 ext. 114