July 12, 2023

Be sure to check out the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL for publication of the first amplicon sequencing minimum reporting guidance document that also provides methods for end users to evaluate their workflows to improve confidence. Adopted by the AOAC Stakeholder Program on Agent Detection Assays (SPADA) in December 2022, the standard guidance provides a framework for method quality assessment in biodetection, including workflows, data reporting, and appropriate controls.

“Amplicon sequencing workflows can help provide robust, confident calls for biodetection, and reporting guidance for actionable calls is critical to ensuring data trust,” said authors Ishi Keenum, Robert Player, Jason Kralj, Stephanie Servetas, Michael D. Sussman, Joe Russell, Jennifer Stone, Sailaja Chandrapati, and Shanmuga Sozhamannan. “Adoption of the guidelines will help improve data quality, track workflow performance, and ultimately provide decision makers confidence to trust the results of this new and powerful technology.”

The paper “Amplicon Sequencing Minimal Information (ASqMI): Quality and Reporting Guidelines for Actionable Calls in Biodefense Applications” is published as an advanced article and scheduled for publication in the September/October 2023 issue of J. AOAC Int.