June 28, 2023
DEADLINE: July 28, 2023
The AOAC Pesticide Residues Subgroup within the Color Additives from Natural Colors Working Group recently completed its review and revision of the SMPR for Selected Pesticides in Crop-based Colors from Natural Sources; and is now accepting public comments.
Comment Process
The public comment period is open through July 28, 2023. Comments will be compiled and reviewed; the document may be revised if necessary, based on comments received.
Comments must be submitted using the form provided. Marked up documents will not be accepted.
Comment Guidelines:
- For specific comments, state the line number and/or range of line numbers in each document for which the comment applies.
- Provide rationale as to why the editor should consider the comment.
- Specify if the comment is an editorial, content, or general comment.
- Editorial comments provide additional clarification or correct typographical errors. Please suggest alternative wording or corrections if you have an editorial comment.
- Content related comments provide technical clarity and comprehensiveness. Please suggest the appropriate technical language. Documents will be reviewed by AOAC and the working group chair(s) for technical accuracy and clarify.
- General comments reflect a perspective on content documented/undocumented in the drafts. Please provide language that documents the perspective or position.
View the SMPR and submit a comment
All comments are due by July 28, 2023. The AOAC team will address all questions and reserves the right to not accept comments received after this deadline.
Submit Your Comments >
Questions? Please contact Allison Baker, AOAC Program Coordinator, Standards and Official Methods.