Do you want to discuss re-engaging the AOAC community and the latest on the AOAC Gluten and Food Allergens (GFA) Program? Register for the AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition and attend the AOAC Gluten and Food Allergens Program session. Working group chairs Dr. Laura Allred (GIG GFCO) and Dr. Melanie Downs (FARRP/University of Nebraska, Lincoln) will present the results of the community consensus for the gluten quantitative method validation guidelines, the status of the gluten qualitative method validation guidelines, and the latest on the food allergens method validation guidelines. This session also will include an interactive discussion on re-engaging the Food Allergens Community. Contact Delia Boyd, Senior Manager.
In addition to the GFA session, join Dr. Steve Taylor and Dr. Melanie Downs as they co-chair the scientific session, entitled, “New FAO/WHO/Codex Guidance on Food Allergens and the Impact on Methods for the Detection of Allergen Residues in Foods” scheduled on Monday, August 28, at 1:30 PM CT. On Tuesday, August 29 at 8:15 AM CT, join Dr. Downs as she chairs another scientific session entitled, “Food Allergen and Gluten Method Development: Approaches to Solve Quantification and Specificity Challenges.”
Photo by AOAC