NEW! Log in to Scholar One with your Web of Science (WoS) login credentials to any Scholar One journal, such as the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. With the launch of WoS login, the ORCID option to sign in will be sunsetting. However, using your ORCID account as an authentication method for your WoS account is an available alternative; simply click the “Connect your ORCID” button when registering or signing in to your WoS account. This WoS option on journal sites will offer a Single Sign on Option (SSO) solution for end users. This log-in is similar to other social logins one would use elsewhere (e.g., Google or Facebook), utilizing the Web of Science’s freemium account as the point of authentication. Try out the new SSO and submit your Research Today!
The Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL publishes investigations of food safety (chemical and microbiological) issues, e.g., occurrence of chemical contaminants at levels that could impact regulatory decisions. However, the Journal will not publish results from routine analysis or surveys that have chemical residue levels of no regulatory concern. The Journal also publishes reviews, symposium presentations, invited special sections which focus on methodology, nutritional, health and safety, and regulatory aspects of chemical contaminants in food and environment and major and minor components of food.