The AOAC Proficiency Testing Programs offered in both Cannabis and Hemp dried flower/biomass matrices have been added to the program’s Scope of Accreditation by A2LA. These programs provide ready to analyze samples in an actual Hemp or Cannabis Matrix with no spiking required by the participating laboratory. Samples are for the analyses of, cannabinoids, terpenes, moisture, water activity, heavy metals, pesticides*, and mycotoxins*. Join the proficiency testing program that state reference labs, federal regulatory labs, and industry labs use to demonstrate analytical proficiency. Do not miss out on the next live round being shipped in March. Contact staff at [email protected] to enroll or to learn about the additional programs for Oils, Edibles, or the Microbiological Contaminants-Pilot Round shipping March 4.
*pesticides and mycotoxins are accredited for hemp but still in the process for cannabis matrix
Photo by Africa Studio –