AOAC INTERNATIONAL is hosting a free webinar to discuss various topics related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food packaging and other food contact materials from a regulatory perspective (US Federal, State, and EU), and current technology capabilities and analytical method challenges. Presentations will be given by Luke Lindahl-Ackerman (US FDA), Thomas Gude (AOAC Europe Section President), Marinella Vitulli (Food Contact Center – Italy) and Keith Vorst (Iowa State University), along with some of our project supporters (Lorna De Leoz – Agilent Technologies, Alicia Stell – CEM Corporation, Holly Lee – SCIEX, Cynthia Grim – Thermo Fisher, Sarah Dowd – Waters, and Uwe Opperman from Shimadzu Europe). Join in the discussion on Monday, May 6, from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM (EST) as we begin to explore directions for a new AOAC initiative focused on PFAS in food packaging and other food contact materials. A big thank you to all our supporters for this initiative: Abbott, Agilent, CEM Corporation, Eurofins, Nestle, SCIEX, Shimadzu Europe, ThermoFisher, and Waters. Register today.
Photo by jchizhe –