Performance Tested Methods and Official Methods of Analysis Technical Requirements–Virtual Training Course
(6 hours)
Member price $699/Non-member price $799
May 28, 2024, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM ET
Course Description:
This live training course reviews the technical validation requirements and processes of the Performance Tested MethodsSM and Official Methods of AnalysisSM programs. The course will include sessions covering the general program requirements, plus the technical requirements for microbiology methods and chemistry methods in a variety of matrices.
Target Attendees:
Method developers
Independent laboratories
Candidates for AOAC Expert Reviewers or Volunteer Experts
Learning Outcomes:
Method developers:
Better understanding of AOAC conformity assessment programs and processes
Improved study designs meeting AOAC and AOACRI requirements
More concise data collection, and therefore, faster PTM and OMA approvals
Independent laboratories:
Part of qualification as an AOACRI Independent Laboratory
Required for selection for AOACRI studies and OMA collaborative studies
Better understanding of technical requirements and processes for performing studies
Candidates for AOAC Expert Reviewers:
Better understanding of AOAC conformity assessment programs and processes
Better understanding of current practices, statistics, and acceptance criteria
Required for selection as an Expert Reviewer