Editorial Board Member

Andrew Turner is the Principal Chemist and Natural Aquatic Toxins Topic Leader in the Cefas Food Safety Group based at the Cefas Weymouth laboratory in the UK. In his position he is responsible for the biotoxin analytical chemistry testing in shellfish performed on behalf of the UK competent authorities. He oversees the development and implementation of new methods for food safety surveillance and provides scientific advice to external and internal customers in relation to chemical-testing methods. Andrew is also responsible for the development of the research activities of the chemistry team, conducting much of the work in collaboration with other national and international organizations. He has over 22 years of postgraduate experience in delivering analytical chemistry in commercial and government environments. His research areas of interest include the development and validation of new aquatic toxin testing methods, production of stable reference materials and the risks in Europe and developing countries from new and emerging toxins and chemical contaminants. Andrew represents Cefas as an invited expert in a wide range of advisory groups and is a founding member of the UK Harmful Algae Group.

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