Editorial Board Past Chair

Brendon Gill is a Principal Research Scientist at Fonterra based at Waitoa, New Zealand. Brendon is the company’s subject matter expert on vitamin and micronutrients analysis and is responsible for the development of new analytical methods for these analytes in dairy products. He is the author of over 40 scientific publications related to micronutrients analyses.

Brendon is an active member with international organizations in the development of harmonized methods in micronutrient analysis. As a member of SPIFAN since its inception, Brendon has been the Study Director of three AOAC Official Methods and, as a member of Nutrients Expert Review Panel, has contributed to the development of over 40 other AOAC official methods. As a member of ISO TC34/WG14, Brendon was project leader in the development of two ISO standards and collaborated in the development of over a dozen other nutrients standards. 

Brendon holds several leadership roles with AOAC as the Chair of the Editorial Board, member of Official Methods Board, and co-chair of the membership committee. 

Brendon is a fellow of AOAC INTERNATIONAL and has won many national and international awards for his work, most recently the 2021 Industrial and Applied Chemistry Prize from the New Zealand Institute for Chemistry. Brendon received a BSc, MSc, and PhD in chemistry from Waikato University.

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