This blog was updated every evening with results from the meetings throughout Analytical Methods Week. NOTE: the most recent updates are posted at the top of the page.
Meeting of Experts to discuss general guidelines for using the Kjeldahl method for determination of nitrogen in food and feed.
Chair to US TAG to ISO/TC 34: Palmer Orlandi, AOAC INTERNATIONAL
This was an expert panel discussion to assist the US TAG to ISO/TC 34 in their systematic review of ISO 1871, Food and Feed – General guidelines for the determination of nitrogen by Kjeldahl method. This meeting focused on TAG members and experts providing their input on preferences for measuring nitrogen from a variety of commodities and recommending parameters for examining the standard.
Perspectives from the AOAC Analytical Solutions Forum Steering Committee – An Open Discussion
Chair: Melissa Phillips (U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology)
During the AOAC Annual Meeting, this session was interrupted, so the Steering Committee members reconvened this morning to complete the full open discussion. Approximately 35 participants joined AOAC in a lively interactive discussion of a variety of topics including dietary supplements, seafood toxins, microbiology methods and emerging and novel technologies.
Additional feedback from AOAC members is always welcome and we encourage suggestions for challenges or topics that we should consider for a future focus area in the ASF.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for SPIFAN Nutrient Methods
Chair: Darryl Sullivan (Eurofins)
The ERP reviewed several candidate methods for GOS, HMOs, and lactoferrins in infant formula and adult nutritionals. Among the methods methods reviewed was, “Single Lab Validation of a Method for the Determination of ß-Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals,” submitted by Sean Austin of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., for consideration for adoption and publication as a First Action Official Method.
All questions were satisfactorily answered, and the method was approved by the ERP for First Action status and is expected to undergo multilaboratory testing as a next step for the method.
AOAC will announce the method formally once it is published on the Official Methods of Analysis Online (eOMA) database.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for Veterinary Drug Residue Methods
Chair: Joe Boison (EJ Consultancy)
The ERP reviewed method AOAC 2013.07, “Determination and Confirmation of Nicarbazin, Measured as 4,4-Dinitrocarbanilide (DNC), in Chicken Tissues” for Final Action consideration. The method was submitted by Sharon L. Brunelle of Brunelle Biotech Consulting.
All issues raised during the review period were satisfactorily answered, and the ERP recommended the method to the AOAC Official Methods Board for Final Action status.
AOAC will issue a formal announcement once the method is published in the Official Methods of Analysis Online (eOMA) database.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for Fertilizer Methods
Chair: William Hall (NPK Consultants)
The ERP reviewed the method AOAC 2017.08, “Total Sulfur in Fertilizers by High‐Temperature Combustion: Collaborative Study” for Final Action consideration. The ERP also discussed updates from method author Martina Hecker (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH) presented by Simone Moos (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH).
The ERP provided the method author details on the information needed to address questions raised in the discussion, and invited the author to resubmit a final version of the method and a revised method manuscript addressing the issues.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for Microbial Contaminants in Cannabis & Hemp Methods
Chair: Julia Bramante (Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
This ERP is focusing on AOAC method programs and discussed the emergency response validation for test kits that enumerate yeasts and molds in cannabis.
AOAC consultant Pat Bird introduced AOAC’s Research Institute and its Performance Tested Methods program.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for Furans Methods
Chair: Katerina Mastovska (Eurofins Food Integrity & Innovation)
The ERP reviewed two resubmitted candidate methods for furans and alkyl furans in specific foods. Both were for consideration by the ERP for adoption and publication as First Action Official Methods.
The first, “Determination of Furan and Alkylfurans in Coffee, Baby Foods, Infant Formula, Cereals and Fruit Juices” was submitted by Matthieu Dubois of Nestlé.
The second, “Determination of Furan and Alkyl Furans in Infant Formula, Baby Foods, Fruit Juices, Cereals, and Coffee by Headspace‐Gas Chromatography‐Mass Spectrometry (HS/GC/MS)” was submitted by Pingping Zhou of the China National Center for Food Safety.
As the reviews of both methods resulted in several questions unresolved, the ERP provided each method author details on the information needed to address the questions and invited both method authors to resubmit the methods addressing the questions in revised method manuscripts.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for Cannabinoid Methods
Chair: Melissa Phillips (U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology
The ERP reviewed two candidate methods for the determination of cannabinoids in chocolate. Both were being considered for adoption and publication as First Action Official Methods.
The first method,“Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Edible Chocolate, ” was submitted by Matthew Noestheden of Supra R&D. The second method, “Quantification of Cannabinoids in Edible Chocolate by High‐Pressure Liquid Chromatography,” was submitted by Alana Greaves of Canopy Growth Corporation.
As the reviews of both methods resulted in several questions unresolved, the ERP provided each method author details on the information needed to address the questions and invited both method authors to resubmit the methods addressing the questions in revised method manuscripts.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for Water Activity Methods
Chair: Brady Carter (Neutec Group)
The ERP reviewed a candidate method for water activity in high volatile concentrations. “Water Activity Measurement in the Presence of High Volatile Concentrations using a Tunable Diode Laser,” corresponding author Gaylon S. Campbell (Meter Group, Inc.), was submitted for consideration by this newly formed ERP for adoption and publication as a First Action Official Method.
The ERP conducted an extensive review but some questions remained to be discussed. The review will be completed in followup discussions.
AOAC Expert Review Panel for Microbiology Methods for Food & Environmental Surfaces
Co‐chairs: Michael Brodsky (Brodsky Consultants) and
Wendy McMahon (Mérieux NutriSciences)
The ERP reviewed a candidate method for the detection of EHEC in select foods. “Evaluation of the GENE‐UP® EHEC Detection Method for the Detection of Enterohemorrhagic E. coli in Select Foods: Collaborative Study,” corresponding author Ron Johnson of bioMérieux, Inc., was submitted for consideration for adoption and publication as a First Action Official Method.
All questions from the comment period were satisfactorily answered, and the method was approved by the ERP.
AOAC will announce the method formally once it is published on the Official Methods of Analysis Online (eOMA) database.
AOAC INTERNATIONAL brings together government, industry, and academia to establish standard methods of analysis that ensure the safety and integrity of foods and other products that impact public health around the world.
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