The internationally recognized Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL is seeking manuscripts presenting basic and applied research related to AOAC’s mission of advancing food safety, food integrity, and public health.
Published six times yearly by Oxford University Press, the Journal showcases the most precise, accurate and sensitive methods available in nine subject areas including analysis of foods, food additives, supplements and contaminants, cosmetics, drugs, toxins, hazardous substances, pesticides, feeds, fertilizers and the environment.
Publishing in the Journal of AOAC provides authors global exposure and association with an established leader of analytical excellence. Articles can range from new techniques and applications, validation studies, studies leading to method development, newly adopted AOAC-approved methods, and invited reviews. The Journal also features one to two Guest Edited collections of papers solicited and curated by external experts on emerging and crosscutting topics in analytical science.
For article submission types, instructions to authors, and authorship standards, please visit the Journal web page. For more information, please contact Jennifer Diatz, director of publications, at [email protected].