August 30, 2019

I am honored to announce the retirement of Bob Rathbone. In his work as Senior Director of Publications and many other roles, Bob is completing one of the most distinguished staff tenures in our history and has contributed his editorial acumen and agricultural science knowledge to advance AOAC’s mission.


Bob joined AOAC in 1987 as Managing Editor of the Journal of AOAC, and has seen the organization evolve from a modest operation focused primarily on the Official Methods of AnalysisSM into today’s dynamic, internationally recognized standards-setting body. Bob helped guide projects like the National Institutes of Health/AOAC Dietary Supplements effort that produced 15-20 fully validated methods and spurred AOAC’s expansion to include SMPRs, Expert Review Panels, Working Groups, and multilab studies.


Bob’s responsibilities at AOAC are passing to Jennifer Diatz, who will be Director of Publications effective July 1, and to Dawn Frazier, Senior Director. Bob’s last day is June 28th. I encourage those who have worked with him to reach out to Bob at [email protected] before he starts his post-AOAC adventures.


Dave Schmidt
Executive Director