MOVING FORWARD WITH AOAC’s Dairy Protein Hydrolysate Initiative

AOAC INTERNATIONAL is seeking financial support to launch the Dairy Protein Hydrolysates initiative, which will be guided by an Advisory Panel comprised of funding organizations from government, industry and academia to determine priorities and working group objectives. This panel will meet quarterly to review progress and consider additional objectives.

AOAC INTERNATIONAL is asking organizations to join this important program with an annual contribution of $10,000. Other levels of contributions will be considered as well. Funding will support the following for each workstream:

  • Project management support for convening the Advisory Panel and subsequent technical Working Groups to develop voluntary consensus standards (Standard Method Performance Requirements),
  • Oversight of the standard development process,
  • Processes for drafting documents and consensus building,
  • Publication of approved consensus documents,
  • Call for methods,
  • Establishment of Expert Review Panel(s) for methods considered for AOAC official method status,
  • Oversight of the Official Methods of AnalysisSM process,
  • Publication of established official methods in Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONALSM (OMA),
  • Facilitation of global alignment,
  • External outreach and training events to publicize the work of the group as well as to attract additional scientists.

Advisory Panel Member Benefits

  • Leadership in standardizing and harmonizing the characterization of Dairy Protein Hydrolysates, thereby enabling more efficient global commerce for these key ingredients,
  • Driving the development of internationally recognized method performance standards that will foster the development of needed Official Methods of AnalysisSM,
  • Engagement with a select group that will set benchmarks for product integrity.

AOAC would like to thank the following Dairy Protein Hydrolysates Working Group Supporters


Arla Foods


Friesland Campina



SGS China