Agriculture and Environment Chemical methods related to the analysis of environmental and agriculture samples
Analysis of Foodborne Contaminants and Residues Naturally present or produced DURING processing (e.g. heavy metals, PSP, acrylamide, 3-MCPD) but not something administered by man, such as pesticides or veterinary drugs
Analysis of Non-Foodborne Contaminants and Residues Includes all externally added contaminants (e.g. pesticides and veterinary drugs) but NOT natural toxins like Mycotoxins or PSP
Biostimulants Approaches to the analysis of biostimulants or samples (environmental, agricultural, or foods) impacted by the use of biostimulants
Botanicals and Dietary Supplements Methods or developments related to botanicals and dietary supplements
Data Analytics Novel approaches for use of advanced pattern recognition and other tools for interpretation of data to ensure food and supplement quality and safety
Detection and Measurement of Natural Toxins PSP, Mycotoxins
Filth and Extraneous Materials Methods to detect foreign objects in foods and other consumable products
Food Authenticity/Food Fraud Methods to determine truthfulness of identity of ingredients in foods and to detect deliberate fraudulent actions on foods
Food Nutrition and Food Allergens Nutritional methods, GI, food allergen methods, and issues
General Methods, Quality Assurance, and Accreditation Quality Assurance and Accreditation; and any methods that do not fit in any of the other categories
Genomics Application of sequencing technology to ensure food and supplement quality and safety
Hemp and Cannabis Novel approaches for the analysis of cannabis products, including hemp
Laboratory Automation Approaches implementing technology to increase throughput or improve data quality
Microbiological Methods Microbiological methods for food and the environment
Miscellaneous Topics that are not covered within the other poster presentation topics listed
Performance Tested MethodsSM Validated methods for programs requiring increased confidence and method reproducibility information