Director, 2024-2025

Brooke Roman is currently Director of Research & Development, Validations for Neogen Corporation. Her primary responsibility is leading an international team of scientists who validate Neogen food safety methods and seek global third-party approvals and recognitions. She is responsible for department strategic planning, budget setting, and project prioritization that aligns with corporate strategic objectives. Her technical expertise in method validation has led to 16 publications and 8 conference presentations. She currently leads Neogen’s Sustainability Initiative Team to accelerate and communicate ongoing initiatives. Brooke serves as chair of the AOAC Research Institute Advisory Council and as a member of the AOAC Official Methods Board. She is chairing the AOAC Research Institute Modification Task Force and serves on other AOAC working groups including: OMB Methods WG, OMB statistics WG, Gluten & Food Allergen WGs, and the Gluten & Food Allergen advisory panel. She is a former member of the AOAC Analytical Solutions Forum and advocates for harmonization between AOAC programs. Brooke also serves on the ISO TC 34/SC 9/ WG 3 Bacterial Toxin project group.

Brooke earned a BS degree in Nutritional Sciences from Michigan State University and a MS degree in Human Nutrition – Biochemical & Molecular Nutrition from Michigan State University.

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