Director, 2024-2025

George Joseph is currently Technical Manager for AsureQuality New Zealand, a leading New Zealand Government owned enterprise in Auckland, New Zealand. He is responsible for addressing overall technical matters related to laboratory services and providing strategic directions and support to New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and other Asia Pacific regions on a regular basis. AsureQuality offers world class food safety and biosecurity services to the food and primary production sectors worldwide.

George has been a loyal and passionate member of AOAC for the last 12 years and has worked on various AOAC and International activities. George currently serves as member of AOAC Official Methods Board (OMB) and Working Group Chair of OMB (non-methods). He has become a Fellow of AOAC International in 2018 and received several awards from AOAC International for his outstanding contributions. He is the Chair of Expert Review Panel (ERP) of Sugars and Fructans methods that received ERP of the Year Award in 2020. George was the recipient of AOAC OMB Awards for Achievement in Technical and Scientific Excellence in 2016, 2017 and 2020 and AOAC ERP of the Year Awards in 2016, 2017 and 2020. George was part of several working groups and MLT Study Director for AOAC Official Method 2016.02 for biotin.

Since 2014, George has been working as an ISO member representing New Zealand International Review Group (IRG) for ISO / IDF Technical Committee (TC 34 / WG 14) for vitamins and other nutrients. He was the ISO Study Director, ISO TC 34 / WG 14 Project for biotin which has become an ISO standard 23305 in 2018. The biotin method is recognised world-wide and is adopted by CODEX Alimentarius Commission as a Type II reference standard.

In 2019, George was appointed as the Counsellor of Food Standard Professional Committee of the China Society of Inspection and Quarantine (CSIQ). He has received three excellence awards from his current employer, AsureQuality in 2005, 2011 and 2016. George is also part of Technical Advisory Group of Global Proficiency, New Zealand.

George received his PhD in 1994 and has more than 30 years of experience in analytical chemistry applications.

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