November 26, 2024

Rockville, Maryland, November 26, 2024 AOAC INTERNATIONAL is pleased to announce that the Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043 for the Proficiency Testing (PT) program has been expanded to include its cannabis and hemp oil programs. The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), one of the largest accreditation bodies in the world that offers a full range of comprehensive conformity assessment accreditation services, accredited these AOAC PT programs.

Shane Flynn, AOAC’s Senior Director of Laboratory Proficiency Testing, said, “This is a huge accomplishment to have these, first of their kind, PT programs covered by accreditation.”

All six new cannabis and hemp oil programs, along with two cannabis dried flower/biomass programs (pesticide residues and mycotoxins) were approved and added to AOAC PT scope of accreditation. The accreditation is in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17043: 2010 and demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a quality management system.

This is the first oil PT program that can provide and ship across state lines >0.3% THC Oil samples. Samples are available for <0.3% THC Hemp Oil and >0.3% THC Cannabis Oil for cannabinoids, terpenes, water activity, heavy metals, pesticide residues, residual solvents and mycotoxins. Labs can now enroll in the upcoming AOAC Cannabis/Hemp Oil Proficiency Testing Program round, which will be shipped on December 2, 2024.



Founded in 1884 with our beginnings in the USDA and US FDA, AOAC INTERNATIONAL is an independent, non-profit membership association of analytical science professionals in government, industry, and academia worldwide. Our mission is to advance food safety and product integrity through standards, validated test methods, and laboratory quality programs. We publish outcomes, including Official Methods of AnalysisSM, in the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL and provide laboratory proficiency testing programs. AOAC also facilitates collaboration and training of scientists and other stakeholders to address challenges with sustainable analytical solutions. For more information, please visit

Contact: Margaret Bell, Communications Manager
Phone: (240) 801-8646
Email: [email protected]

Photo by naruecha –