ERP Co-Chairs: Michael Brodsky, Brodsky Consultants & Wendy McMahon, Mérieux NutriSciences
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]
The ERP members reviewed two candidate methods with both successful AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM validation studies and method reproducibility validation data submitted by Evangelos Vandoros of Thermo Fisher Scientific entitled, “Thermo Scientfic™ SureTect™ Listeria species PCR Assay in a Broad Range of Foods and Selected Environmental Surfaces” and “Thermo Scientfic™ SureTect™ Listeria monocytogenes PCR Assay in a Broad Range of Foods and Selected Environmental Surfaces”.
The ERP also reviewed a candidate method with both successful AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM validation studies and method reproducibility validation data submitted by Andrew Lineau of BioControl entitled, “Assurance® GDS for Cronobacter Tq II in Infant Formulas, Infant Cereals and Environmental Surfaces”.
With pending acceptable statistics reviews, the methods are adopted as Official Methods of Analysis in First Action status. In accordance with AOAC policy and ERP recommendations, the method will be tracked for a maximum of two years, during which active and passive user feedback on the method’s performance are the ERP requirements to recommend the method for Final Action status.
Additionally, the ERP discussed draft revisions on validation statistics as upgrades to OMA, Appendix J, taking place within the Committee on Statistics.
The ERP also reviewed the language for the draft technical bulletin on sample size and dilution ratios as aligned with that of the MicroVal Technical Committee. The ERP approved the language with an added note. The draft technical bulletin will go to the AOAC Official Methods Board.
SPADA Chair: Linda Beck, Joint Research and Development, Inc. (JRAD)
Science Advisor: Shanmuga Sozhamannan (DBPAO)
Advisory Panel Members:
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]
SPADA launched three working group during this session. AOAC Chief Science Officer and Deputy Executive Director, Palmer Orlandi, Jr., PhD, opened the meeting and led introductions of the SPADA Chair, Dr. Linda Beck (JRAD), and the working group chairs, Dr. Timothy Minogue (USAMRIID), Dr. Shanmuga Sozhamannan (DBPAO), and Dr. Michael Sussman (USDA AMS).
Beck and by AOAC technical consultant, Dr. Sharon Brunelle gave an overview of SPADA and on the standards developed leading to the current scope of work. Then, each working group chair launched their working group with a presentation on the background and proposed scope of the consensus standards their working groups will be developing. The session closed with a presentation on the AOAC standards process by Senior Director for Standards, Deborah McKenzie, and an outlook on the challenges that the working groups will confront in their work along with next steps by Brunelle and Orlandi. SPADA is still accepting working group members and participants. The next SPADA meeting will be at the AOAC Annual Meeting on August 28, 2021, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET.
ERP Chair: Andrew B. Pham, Epic Solutions & Analytics
Staff Contact: Christopher Dent at [email protected]
The ERP members reviewed a resubmission of the candidate method submitted by Jenny Nelson of Agilent Technologies, Inc. entitled, “Determination of Heavy Metals in a Variety of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products” (CAM-001) using AOAC SMPR 2020.001 – “Standard Method Performance Requirement for Determination of Heavy Metals in a Variety of Cannabis and Cannabis – Derived Products”. The ERP adopted the method as an Official Method of Analysis in First Action status. In accordance with AOAC policy and ERP recommendations, the method will be tracked for a maximum of two years, during which demonstrated method reproducibility and user feedback on the method’s performance are among the ERP requirements to recommend the method for Final Action status.
The ERP also reviewed a new candidate method for pesticides submitted by PerkinElmer, Inc. Encouraging the method author to resubmit the method, the panel made recommendations on additional information to be included in the resubmission.
ERP Chair: Darryl Sullivan, Eurofins
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]
The ERP members reviewed AOAC 2016.16 for Final Action status based on the published manuscript entitled, “Determination of Curcuminoids in Turmeric Dietary Supplements by HPLC-DAD: Multi-laboratory Study Through the NIH-ODS/NIST Quality Assurance Program” by Elizabeth Mudge, Paula Brown, Catherine Rimmer and Melissa Phillips. With an approved alternative approach to method reproducibility, the ERP ensured that all of the IFS recommendations assigned during the method’s First Action adoption were satisfactorily addressed. The ERP recommended the method, AOAC 2016.16, for Final Action status to the AOAC Official Methods Board.
Working Group Chair: Laura Allred, Gluten Intolerance Group
Staff Contact: Delia Boyd at [email protected]
The working group members continued drafting validation guidance for the gluten assays. The scope of the guidance includes both qualitative and quantitative methods. The working group members began reaching general consensus on specific terminology used in conjunction with method reproducibility validation studies.
ERP Chair: Julia Bramante, Colorado State Public Health Laboratory
Staff Contact: Christopher Dent at [email protected]
The ERP members reviewed two proposals for matrix extensions Official Methods of Analysis, AOAC 997.02 and AOAC 2002.11.
AOAC 997.02, “Yeasts and Mold Counts in Foods” was originally submitted by 3M Food Microbiology as “3M™ Petrifilm™ Yeast and Mold Count Plate”. The method achieved First Action status in 1997 and Final Action status in 2000. 3M submitted a matrix extension manuscript with validation data for cannabis flour matrix.
AOAC 2002.11, “Detection and Quantification of Yeasts and Molds in Foods” was originally submitted by BioControl as SimPlate® Yeast and Mold – Color Indicator”. The method achieved First Action status in 2002 and Final Action status in 2005. MilliporeSigma (BioControl) submitted a matrix extension manuscript with validation data for cannabis flour matrix.
The ERP reviewed both methods and with pending acceptable statistics reviews, approved the matrix extensions; both AOAC 997.02 and AOAC 2002.11 will be revised to support the new applicable matrix of cannabis flour. These published methods will be designated as First Action status for this matrix. In accordance with AOAC policy and ERP recommendations, the method will be tracked for a maximum of two years, during which demonstrated method reproducibility for the cannabis matrix and user feedback on the method’s performance are among the ERP requirements to recommend the method for Final Action status.
Facilitator: Deborah McKenzie, AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
Staff Contact: Delia Boyd at [email protected]
The purpose of this orientation was to prepare prospective ERP members for review of method validation protocols based on the unique set of SMPRs published for both non-targeted testing and targeted testing. In addition to an abridged ERP orientation, the FAM working group chairs, John Szpylka, FSNS (Non-Targeted Testing Working Group) and Joe Boison, EJ Consultancy (Targeted Testing Working Group) provided a thorough overview of both sets of SMPRs for Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Honey, and Milk. Prospective ERP members asked questions and discussed ideas to support both ERP members and prospective method authors.
ERP Chair: Darryl Sullivan, Eurofins
Staff Contact: Delia Boyd at [email protected]
The ERP members reviewed one candidate method for Lactoferrin and two candidate methods for Human Milk Oligosaccharides submitted by Fonterra, Abbott Nutrition, and Eurofins, respectively. Encouraging the three method authors to resubmit, the ERP provided recommendations on additional information to be included.
ERP Chair: Lars Reimann, Eurofins
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]
The ERP members reviewed the progress of the collaborative study for AOAC 2020.08, “Available Carbohydrates in Cereal and Cereal Products, Dairy Products, Vegetables, Fruit and Food Products, and Animal Feeds”. ERP members also discussed updates on the collaborative study plan for AOAC 2017.16 in advance of the ERP providing their comments. ERP members also received editorial changes to AOAC 2011.25 for subsequent electronic review. Additionally, ERP members received an update on proposed revisions to method titles and scopes based on the new definitions related to fiber.