AOAC INTERNATIONAL (AOAC) is recruiting volunteer subject matter experts in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and hygiene monitoring assay methodologies and validation to serve as volunteer experts and AOAC Research Institute (AOAC RI) expert reviewers in AOAC’s Performance Tested MethodsSM (PTM) and Official MethodsSM programs. Experts in ATP analysis as a microbial indicator, methodology, and method validation are needed to review submitted candidate methods submitted to these programs for review leading to PTM certification or Reviewed and RecognizedSM (R2) certification and/or adoption and publication in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
Volunteers may also guide the development and approval of validation testing protocols and study designs as part of the AOAC Consulting Service. Candidates responding to this call may be invited to participate in AOAC Expert Review Panel (ERP) related activities. This role offers the opportunity to participate and lend your expertise and experience to the AOAC method programs. If you are a subject matter expert and are interested in volunteering, please submit an application by May 21, 2022.
These are volunteer subject matter experts for the AOAC Official MethodsSM program who are vetted by the AOAC Official Methods Board (OMB). They serve on AOAC ERPs and in the PTM and R2 programs. These volunteers are integral to the PTM program as lead reviewers of three experts for assigned method validation reports. They also approve validation studies for certification. Volunteer Experts also serve as lead experts on the development and approval of assigned method validation protocols and study designs in the AOAC Consulting Service, where they review and approve validation study protocols. Program orientation and training may be required as part of the onboarding process.
Volunteer subject matter experts serving in the PTM and R2 programs administered through the AOAC RI. AOAC RI screens and vets these volunteers, who are assigned to review validation study reports and, along with the assigned volunteer expert, render decisions on the approval of the method for certification. Program orientation and training may be required as part of the onboarding process.
The AOAC OMB will vet and approve candidates. Ideal candidates must: