January 5, 2022

Monday, December 13, 2021 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon ET
AOAC ERP for Low Lactose Methods

ERP Chair: Sean Austin, Société Produits des Nestlé
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]

The ERP reviewed a collaborative validation study of AOAC 2020.09, Quantification of Lactose in Free Lactose and Low Lactose Milk and Milk Products, in support of recommending it for Final Action status. After evaluating the study, proposed changes to the method and performance feedback on the method using AOAC SMPR 2018.009 (Lactose in Low-Lactose or Lactose-Free Milk, Milk Products, and Products Containing Dairy Ingredients), via the ERP’s consensus, the AOAC 2020.09 was recommended for Final Action status. The ERP’s recommendation will be prepared for consideration by the AOAC Official Methods Board.

Monday, December 13, 2021 | 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET
AOAC ERP for Microbiology Methods for Food and Environmental Surfaces

ERP Chair: Michael Brodsky, Brodsky Consultants
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]

The ERP reviewed the following methods for modifications:

  • AOAC 2020.03Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Select Foods
  • AOAC 2020.06 – Enterohemorrhagic E. coli in Select Foods
  • AOAC 2019.01Cronobacter species in Select Foods and Environmental Samples
  • AOAC 2019.10Listeria species in a Variety of Foods and Select Environmental Samples
  • AOAC 2019.11Listeria monocytogenes in a Variety of Foods and Select Environmental Samples
  • AOAC 2020.02Salmonella species in a Broad Range of Foods and Select Environmental Samples
  • AOAC 2021.XXCronobacter species in Infant Formulas, Infant Cereals, Ingredients, and Environmental Samples
  • AOAC 2009.03Salmonella in Foods and Environmental Surfaces
  • AOAC 2005.04Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Select Foods
  • AOAC 2005.05 – Shiga Toxin Genes, from Escherichia coli O157:H7, in Selected Foods

Via consensus of the ERP, all proposed modifications were deemed minor with changes to the text of the methods for AOAC 2020.03, AOAC 2020.06, AOAC 2019.01, AOAC 2019.10, and AOAC 2019.11. There were no changes to the text for the other methods. Additionally, the ERP reviewed their recommendations for Final Action consideration of AOAC 2019.01, AOAC 2019.10, and AOAC 2019.11. Upon consensus of the ERP, the three methods were recommended for Final Action status. The modifications will be prepared for Publications and noted in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. The ERP’s recommendation will be prepared for consideration by the AOAC Official Methods Board.

Monday, December 13, 2021 | 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET
AOAC ERP for SPIFAN Chlorate/Perchlorate Methods

ERP Chair: Katerina Mastovska, Eurofins Scientific
Staff Contact: Delia Boyd at [email protected]

The ERP evaluated a new candidate method submitted in response to an open Call for Methods to address AOAC SMPR 2021.001 (Determination of Chlorate and Perchlorate in Baby Foods, Infant/Adult Formulas, and Their Ingredients) for First Action status. The ERP reached consensus on additional information that should be included in the method package to further support the method meeting the SMPR.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon ET
AOAC ERP for Glyphosate Methods

ERP Chair: Tom Phillips, Maryland Department of Agriculture
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]

The ERP evaluated a new candidate method submitted in response to an open Call for Methods to address AOAC SMPR 2021.008 (Glyphosate, Its Metabolites, and Trimesium in Fruits and Vegetables, Cereals, Food of Animal Origin, Pet Food, and Baby Food) for First Action status. The ERP reached consensus on additional information that should be included in the method package to further support the method meeting the SMPR.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 | 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET
AOAC ERP for Microbial Contaminants for Cannabis and Hemp

ERP Chair: Julia Bramante, Colorado State Public Health Laboratory
Staff Contact: Christopher Dent at 
[email protected]

The ERP members reviewed a proposal for a matrix extension to AOAC 2018.02, Enumeration of Yeast and Mold in Select Foods, to dried cannabis flower. After evaluating the supporting validation study, via ERP consensus, the matrix extension to AOAC 2018.02 was approved and the method will be revised to support the new applicable matrix of cannabis flour. The published method will be designated as First Action status for this matrix.

In accordance with AOAC policy and ERP recommendations, the method will be tracked for a maximum of two years during which demonstrated method reproducibility for the cannabis matrix and user feedback on the method’s performance are among the ERP requirements to recommend the method for Final Action status consideration.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 | 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM ET
AOAC ERP for SPIFAN Nutrient Methods

ERP Chair: Darryl Sullivan, Eurofins
Staff Contact: Delia Boyd at [email protected]

The ERP evaluated the following candidate methods submitted in response to an open Call for Methods to address the following SMPRs:

  • Two resubmitted methods for AOAC SMPR 2020.005 (Determination of Bovine Lactoferrin in Infant and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula)
  • One candidate method for AOAC SMPR 2020.003 (Determination of 2′-Fucosyllactose (2′FL) in Infant and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula), AOAC SMPR 2021.003 (Determination of 3′-Sialyllactose (3’SL) in Infant and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula) and AOAC SMPR 2021.005 (Determination of 6′-Sialyllactose (6′-SL) in Infant and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula)
  • One candidate method for AOAC SMPR 2014.016 (Determination of Fluoride in Infant and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula)
  • One candidate method for AOAC SMPR 2021.0XX (Determination of Phospholipids in Infant and Adult/ Pediatric Nutritional Formula)

Via ERP consensus, the two candidate methods for Lactoferrin were adopted as First Action methods. The ERP also reached consensus on recommendations for Final Action consideration of the methods. In accordance with AOAC policy and ERP recommendations, the method will be tracked for a maximum of two years during which method reproducibility must be demonstrated and end user feedback on the method’s performance along with the ERP requirements to recommend the method for Final Action status consideration. The ERP also reached consensus on additional information needed for the other methods in further support of them meeting their respective SMPRs.

Furthermore, the ERP reviewed the revised validation guidelines for single laboratory validation (OMA, Appendix L). The ERP recommended the document for consideration by the AOAC Official Methods Board.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 | 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon ET
AOAC ERP for Furan Methods

ERP Chair: Katerina Mastovska, Eurofins Scientific
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]

The ERP evaluated two candidate methods resubmitted in response to an open Call for Methods to address AOAC SMPR 2019.004 (Furan and Alkyl Furans in Coffee, Baby Foods, Infant Formula, Cereals, and Fruit Juices). Via ERP consensus, the two candidate methods were adopted as First Action methods. The ERP also reached consensus on recommendations for Final Action consideration of the methods. In accordance with AOAC policy and ERP recommendations, the methods will be tracked for a maximum of two years during which method reproducibility must be demonstrated and end user feedback on each method’s performance along with the ERP requirements to recommend the method for Final Action status consideration.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 | 12:00 noon – 2:00 PM ET
AOAC ERP for Cannabinoids Methods

ERP Chair: Melissa Phillips, US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Staff Contact: Christopher Dent at [email protected]

The ERP evaluated a new candidate method submitted in response to an open Call for Methods to address AOAC SMPR 2017.019 (Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Edible Chocolate) for First Action status. The ERP reached no consensus on either method. Another meeting will be scheduled to finish the evaluation and render decisions.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 | 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET
AOAC ERP for Aloin in Aloe Vera Methods

ERP Chair: Darryl Sullivan, Eurofins
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]

The ERP evaluated a multilaboratory study of AOAC 2016.09 (Quantitative Analysis of Aloins and Aloin-Emodin in Aloe Vera Raw Material and Finished Product by HPLC) against AOAC SMPR 2015.015 (Determination of Aloin A and Aloin B in Dietary Supplement Products and Ingredients) along with end user feedback for Final Action status consideration. The ERP reached consensus on additional information that should be included in the method package to further support the method meeting the SMPR.

Thursday, December 16, 2021 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET
AOAC ERP for Dietary Starch and Fiber Methods

ERP Chair: Lars Reimann, Eurofins
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]

The ERP reviewed the draft manuscript of the collaborative study for AOAC 2020.08 (Available Carbohydrates in Cereal and Cereal Products, Dairy Products, Vegetables, Fruit and Food Products, and Animal Feeds). ERP members provided comments to the method author. ERP members also discussed updates on a new candidate method being proposed as an upgrade to AOAC 2011.25 and provided comments. There was no further discussion on AOAC 2017.16 and ERP review of earlier proposed changes to AOAC 2011.25 was put on hold pending the validation of the proposed new updated method. ERP members also received information on a review of the AOAC fructan methods.

Thursday, December 16, 2021 | 12:30 noon – 2:00 PM ET
AOAC ERP for Flavanol Methods

ERP Meeting Moderator: Joe Boison, EJ Consultancy and Chair, AOAC Official Methods Board
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]

The ERP reviewed a collaborative validation study of AOAC 2020.05 (Cocoa Flavanols and Procyanidins [by Degree of Polymerization DP1-7] in Cocoa-Based Products) in support of recommending AOAC 2020.05 for Final Action status. After evaluating the study and performance feedback on the method using AOAC SMPR 2012.001 (Flavanols in Foods and Beverages), via the ERP’s consensus, the AOAC 2020.05 was recommended for Final Action status. The ERP’s recommendation will be prepared for consideration by the AOAC Official Methods Board.

Friday, December 17, 2021 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon ET
AOAC ERP for Ethanol in Kombucha Methods

ERP Chair: Sneh Bhandari, SDB Associates
Staff Contact: Saliha Argubie at [email protected]

The ERP reviewed a collaborative validation study of AOAC 2017.07 (Ethanol in Kombucha, Juices, and Alcohol-Free Beer) in support of recommending AOAC 2017.07 for Final Action status. After evaluating the study, proposed changes to the method and performance feedback on the method using AOAC SMPR 2016.001 (Determination of Ethanol in Kombucha), via the ERP’s consensus, the AOAC 2017.07 was recommended for Final Action status. The ERP’s recommendation will be prepared for consideration by the AOAC Official Methods Board.