AOAC INTERNATIONAL is launching an Expert Review Panel (ERP) for Glycerol Esters of Wood Rosins (GEWR) Methods to review submitted candidate methods for adoption and published as Official Methods of AnalysisSM of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. AOAC is actively recruiting international volunteers with experience and expertise to serve on this ERP. Membership in this ERP is an opportunity to participate and lend your expertise and experience to the AOAC Official MethodsSM Program in evaluating methods for the characterization and quantitation of GEWR components and acids. If you are a subject matter expert and are interested in volunteering on this AOAC ERP, please complete the application below.
AOAC has issued a Call for Methods for the determination of methods that demonstrate through sufficient validation data collection that the method(s) meet the AOAC consensus Standard Method Performance Requirements® (SMPRs®) for characterizing and quantitating monoesters, residual acids, neutral components, and component fractions of GEWR (four SMPRs).
All applications will be screened and submitted to the AOAC Official Methods Board, who will vet the candidates and form the ERP roster. Ideal candidates for ERP membership must: