ERPs are composed of qualified subject matter experts representing various perspectives. ERP candidates are obtained via a Call for Experts from AOAC. Potential expert reviewers are vetted by the OMB and if selected, undergo orientation to be fully prepared to review First Action or Final Action Methods.
ERP members are held to a high professional and ethical standard and must agree to the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Antitrust Policy; AOAC INTERNATIONAL Policy on the Use of the Association, Name, Initials, Identifying Insignia, Letterhead, and Business Cards; and AOAC INTERNATIONAL Policy and Procedures on Volunteer Conflict of Interest.
AOAC facilitates and coordinates the ERP review of each method against collaborative study protocols and/or Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs) submitted with the method. Method author(s) are invited to present their method during ERP sessions and to respond to comments.
ERPs meet in person at least twice per year, at the AOAC Midyear Meeting and the AOAC Annual Meeting. During these meetings, the ERP may require changes and/or revisions to the manuscript to be updated in real time. At the conclusion of its review of the method, the ERP will render a decision to either grant or withhold AOAC First Action Official MethodSM status.
Once methods receive AOAC First Action Official MethodSM status, they are published in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL and full manuscripts are published in the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. Method status changes are published in the AOAC Inside Laboratory Management magazine.
Within two years of a method receiving First Action status, the reviewing ERP analyzes feedback on the method’s performance and either requests a continuance or submits a recommendation to the AOAC OMB for adoption as a Final Action Method. The ERP may also recommend repeal of First Action or Final Action Official Method status. The final decision on any recommendation is made by the AOAC OMB.