AOAC INTERNATIONAL invites submissions of all relevant candidate methods that may meet the AOAC SMPR 2019.001 Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR®) for Detection of Aspergillus in Cannabis and Cannabis Products for review in AOAC’s method validation programs.
Candidate methods must be able to detect Aspergillus (Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, and Apergillus terreus) in cannabis and/or cannabis products. Please refer to SMPR 2019.001 for details. A method using any analytical technique submitted that measures the analytes of interest and meets the method performance requirements in the SMPR is eligible for review.
Method authors may submit methods for review to the Official Methods of Analysis℠ (OMA) program. Method authors with rapid commercial and proprietary methods may opt to submit methods for review to the Performance Tested Methods℠ (PTM) program only; to the OMA program only; or to the PTM program first and then submit to the OMA program, thereafter.
Submit your method – OMA Application Form
1. At a Glance Instructions to Authors is available to assist method authors in formatting their method manuscripts.
2. AOAC Consulting Services to draft validation testing protocols, format methods and manuscripts for PTM and OMA programs. Application fees apply for this service. To use Consulting Service for PTM, contact Nora Marshall at [email protected].
Expert in this area or know of experts in this area? Click here to apply to become a reviewer!