This year’s Midyear Meeting (MYM) is breaking new ground with updates on emerging analytical needs, a spotlight on a new Regional Section, and a preview of what’s next in AOAC food standards initiatives in the coming year. Below are some just some of the highlights.
The ASF’s opening session will highlight new partnerships between AOAC and other organizations in support of food safety in Africa, with speakers from Land O’Lakes Venture37, ARSO, and WHO/UNICEF presenting. The ASF Emerging Topics and Technologies Session will discuss innovative integrated technologies for food safety and environmental applications, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, and food security and safety in the global marketplace. Finally, three ASF mini-symposia will explore food safety applications using AI and machine learning, components of a quality testing program, and the impact of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment. Learn more about the ASF >
The 2022 MYM features kickoff meetings for two new science programs, the Analytical International Methods & Standards (AIMS) Program and Botanical and Dietary Supplement Integrity Program (BDSIP). The AIMS meeting will provide an overview of the program background, scope, and challenges, and a presentation on the applications of viability droplet digital PCR (v-ddPCR). BDSIP’s meeting will include updates on its Folic Acid Working Group, which is working on developing standards for folic acid in chewable gels, soft gels, and tablets. It will also feature part two of a thought leader discussion with the Global Retailer and Manufacturer Alliance (GRMA), which was first convened in December 2021.
The newly launched Acrylamide Working Group will also hold a meeting at the MYM, where it will discuss progress towards developing standards for acrylamide in high heat processed food products.
Key food laboratory organizations of the Arab region are working together to launch the new AOAC Arab Regional Section. A MYM presentation will highlight how these organizations are working together to ensure the section supports:
Get updates on AOAC’s core science programs, the Official Methods Program, AOAC Research Institute’s Performance Tested Methods and Reviewed and Recognized Programs, and Laboratory Proficiency Testing Program. Meetings will also be held for each of AOAC’s integrated science programs: